Create. Inspire. Relax
Canvas Painting
Paint and decoration directly onto the canvas using either acrylic or oil paints.
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Decoration on lead-glazed earthenware such as creamware or tin-glazed pottery.
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My Art Experience is an environment that is intended to encourage creativity through many art media for our local community and visitors.
We offer art classes, workshops, parties community events and much more. We consider ourselves a one stop shop for anything art, creativity, and entertainment.
We explore the world of clay, canvas painting, ceramic painting, DIY projects and much more.
We strive to constantly bring new art mediums and teachers through My Art Experience and engage the entire community in their own artistic expression.
The possibilities are endless.
- Are you an artist or consider yourself a very creative person?
- Are you good with event planning and want to host your next event with us?
We are a community outlet and constantly looking for community partners. Please reach out to us with your ideas and we’ll work together with you to make it a reality.
Paint just the way you want it.
Whatever the occasion is, put an original spin on your special night and celebrate at My Art Experience!
You’ve got the brush; you’ve got the color; let your imagination take over and paint a picture.
- We are fortunate to have talented artist to guide you through making your masterpieces.
- Grab 6 or more of your friends to host a Private Party!
- Our sessions are great for the novice as well as the experienced painter.
- We provide aprons for everyone since we use acrylic paint.
- You are welcome to bring in your food.